List of Questions

  • 553

    We are interested in a scalable encapsulation technique for the protection of anhydrous metal salts from humidity.

    Unmet industrial challenge which we are interested in resolving.

  • 554

    We are interested in a scalable technique for the encapsulation of small molecules such as alcohols or water.

    Unmet industrial challenge which we are interested in resolving.

Forestry Commission
  • 555

    specifically: If wooden packaging is not treated effectively then what level of infestation in a consignment is likely to lead to the establishment of bark beetles (Ips typographus) or wood boring insects like Asian Longhorn Beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis)? or more generically: If life-stages of a potential tree pest are found in plant material (e.g. plants, firewood, wood packaging, timber) imported into UK, what is the likelyhood that the pest mayhave spread into the natural environment?

    Global trade creates different pathways for tree pests to be introduced into new areas. Insect pests can be transmitted with material like plants for planting and wood products so measures are put in place to prevent or control trade in high risk commodities or, in the case of wood products, to subject material to phytosanitary treatments which kill pests.

    Despite the measures to reduce risk, incursions of tree pests still occur and insect pests do occasionally become established if they encounter suitable host material.

    We would be interested to model how the size of a founder population from a pest incursion leads to the likelihood of an insect pest becoming established.

  • 556

    On how many occasions might one Oak Processionary Moth (OPM) egg plate introduced on an oak tree lead to establishment of a breeding OPM population, compared with 2 egg plates and so on?

    Thaumetopoea processionea has one generation per year (Dajoz, 2000). Females lay
    their eggs, between 100 to 200, from July to early September on twigs and small
    branches in the canopy (UK Forestry Commission, n.d.). They are deposited in groups
    forming plaques of a single layer of eggs which are covered with greyish scales and
    remain on the branches over the winter.
    Larvae can be found from April to June. They feed in groups and congregate in
    communal white silk nests under branches or on the trunk when not feeding. Larval
    nests are typically small, about the size of a tennis ball, but much larger ones have been
    reported. The larvae pass through 6 to 10 instars, shedding their skin inside the nests
    between each stage as they grow (UK Forestry Commission, n.d.; Dajoz, 2000). The
    cast skins and hairs accumulate in the nests leading them to take on an orange-brown
    colour over time. The larvae typically migrate in procession; following one another
    head-to-tail in long lines to and from the nest and from one feeding position to another,
    which gives rise to the common name.
    Pupation takes place in the nest typically during late June or early July (UK Forestry
    Commission, n.d.). Adults typically emerge in August. They are nocturnal and live for
    only a day or two (Dajoz, 2000).
    Larvae feed on the leaves of host trees causing significant defoliation. Trees are not
    usually killed but repeated attacks can severely reduce health and vigour.
    Thaumetopoea processionea larvae have urticating hairs that can cause skin
    irritation, conjunctivitis, respiratory congestions and asthma in humans. Contact
    with dead larvae, cocoons, nests and debris from infested oak forests can also cause
    dermatitis and other symptoms throughout the year. These hairs are also carried on air
    currents and therefore direct contact is not necessary to cause health problems. The oak
    processionary moth tends to be more abundant on urban trees and along forest edges
    where there is a high probability of it coming into contact with people.

  • 557

    What level of surveilance is needed to ensure that if a tree pest becomes becomes established in the UK, we have a 90% chance of detecting it within three growing season?

    refer to first question

Siemens Industry
  • 558

    How large is the market place for the modelling and/or simulation of wave/tidal energy devices in the UK?

    Siemens have significant presence in the Tidal & Wave industry.

SPEX Group
  • 571

    We’re interested in being able to model propellant behaviour in the ANSYS AutoDyn Hydocode.

    SPEX Group specialises in designing and operating tools for the Oil and Gas industry. Many of our tools employ explosives or propellants as the energy source that drives them. We carry out hydrocode simulations of the tools to assess/predict their effectiveness.
    We need to develop Powder Burn Material Models in order for us to carry out some of these simulations.
    I’ve attached a couple of papers which describe two different methods for deriving the material model parameters from closed chamber tests along with the AutoDyn powder burn material model input field.
    We would be interested to see if a similar method could be developed that we could use to determine material models for various propellants that we use in our tool designs.

  • 572

    Can modelling be used to understand whether times for brewing, fermentation and conditioning can be reduced?

    We would like to be able to reduce process times for brewing, fermentation and conditioning, to give us greater plant capacity. The main reactions taking place at each stage are known. Modelling could perhaps look at each reaction and see if any of the times could be manipulated to reduce the overall time need to complete each stage.

  • 573

    How many cells of beer spoiling bacteria are needed per litre of product to cause spoilage over the shelf life of the product?

    Current assumptions are based on the detectable numbers by traditional microbiological culture techniques, for microorganisms that are unusually difficult to culture. Then, how could we develop a lab/sensor technique to test for presence of this critical number of bacteria, or assure "sterility'?