List of questions

Animech Technologies AB
  • 661

    How can we design a generic algorithm that automatically recognizes and identifies any 3D-mesh geometry based on previously learned information (and continues to learn over time)?

    The algorithm gets a generic 3D-mesh that of a complete product that contains a screw, the algorithm should then be able to identify the screw. So that it can be used for further operations. If a part is not recognized the system should be able to learn from user input or user verification.

    This could then be used for automatically identify product parts and automatically assign typical behaviors, materials or animations.

  • 643

    What is the future of multimedia search (image and video)?

    The video is set to become more prominent in organisations; the ability to search for an image or 'happening' within a video will become more in demand; the ability to use images or recorded body posture may lead to improved remote healthcare

  • 645

    How can large volumes of internal and external unstructured data be effectively used to create new solutions within an organisation?

  • 646

    In what ways can big data innovate traditional business models?

    Big data can be or mean many things: volume, velocity, variety; structure or unstructured data.

    Is it really big data or a matter of choosing the right small data?

  • 648

    How to let organisations help themselves to linked data?

    Semantic and linked data technologies are now becoming standardised. Existing schema already exist for many domains. Organisations have the opportunity to potentially link all their systems, including the legacy ones together. How can they readily take advantage to make themselves more agile?

Fox Technologies
  • 654

    What is required in the next generation secure general purpose server system?

    Fox Technologies is a software company that focuses on access control. FoxTs strongest offering is the ServerControl product that controls access to and privilege escalation on Unix/Linux and Windows servers.

IBM Svenska AB
  • 662

    How can the IT industry use the precept of design thinking to close the gap between IT and business leaders?

    There is a hughe gap between IT and business which will slow down the business value of IT. Design thinking is maybe a tool to close the gap.

  • 663

    What are the 3 most critical issues facing the industry as we develop fully implemented hybrid clouds which are borderless, seamless, and faultless? How do we resolve these issues?

    Cloud has been around for a while, private and Public clouds and it seems like the future is hybrid Clouds.
    So there will be new issues coming up to be solved.

Sandvik Coromant
  • 684

    What solutions, or solution ideas, can be identified with regards to low energy consuming miniaturized wireless embedded systems?

  • 685

    What solutions, or solution ideas, can be identified with regards to intelligent energy efficient super microprocessors?

  • 686

    What solutions, or solution ideas, can be identified with regards to low energy wireless miniaturized sensors?

  • 687

    What solutions, or solution ideas, can be identified with regards to SWARM including micro scale wireless integrated sensors and processors?

Starcounter AB

    Starcounter AB

      Svenska kraftnät
      • 650

        The power system will be using a large number of generation units to deliver sufficient volumes of FCR. By creating a single (1) open loop minimum requirement specification for G_(∆f→〖∆P〗_FCR ) (s) you will still end up with a system where different generation units behave slightly different from others due to different reasons (technical, economical, human interpretations etc.). This deviation from the “nominal” requirement can be called the individual implementation problem (IIP). What methods are available for analyzing these effects in a system with a large number of generating/governing units? How do you ensure during the design phase that these do not interact in a negative way for both system stability but also local problems such as wear-and-tear. Also, what type of international standards are available (ISO, IEEE, Cigré, SIS, etc.) that describe control theory problems that can be used for explaining the FCP specification. Also, how does one go about tuning individual generation units, when they affect each other but you have, in practice, no possibility to co-tune all generation units at the same time? This will also affect the IIP.

        See attatchment

      • 651

        The power system is a varying process with several parameters varying throughout the season and even during the day/night shift such as the total system inertia, load frequency dependency, size and speed of power imbalance (normal ramping conditions or major outage of a nuclear unit etc.). How would one go about by setting up the global control scheme for the FCP so that each local generation unit can adapt to certain power system state changes (high/low inertia etc., frequency derivatives).

        See attatchment

      • 652

        By setting a global requirement for the FCP scheme there is a high probability that many generation units will not deliver at their technical capability. What type of market schemes and incentives would be possible to introduce to enhance the total FCP response towards its technical capability?

        See attatchment

      • 653

        The project run by the TSOs’ was started as to find out what was causing the grid frequency oscillations and then propose measures to mitigate these oscillations. Over the course of the project it was understood that this was a more or less natural resonance frequency. However, what types of governing schemes might one implement on the global synchronous lever to dampen the gain of this resonance peak (i.e. lower the peak of |G_(〖∆P〗_mismatch→∆f) (iω_resonance)| )? Is it preferable to use PI-governors, state space-governors etc. at each generation unit or which type of governor would suit best?

        See attatchment