AIMday Machine Learning in Life Science and Medicine
We welcome you to Navet, Uppsala Biomedical Center (BMC) on 31 May 2018
Information technology is today an indispensable part of life science and medicine. Computer systems as well as various computational methods play essential roles in healthcare diagnosis, treatment, and care, as well as in medical research. Machine learning, in which systems automatically learn (complex) patterns in data, and improve from experience, is becoming an indispensable tool in life science and medicine.
This AIMday, in part organized by the BiomedIT research arena at the Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, focus on the use of machine learning in life science and medicine. We welcome questions from companies, public caregivers, and applied researchers who want to maximize the benefits from machine learning. Learn more about the AIMday concept.
Registration for companies is open and will close on 9 April16 April.
Registration for academic scientists will open 20 April and close on 14 May.
Registration for all participants is free of charge
AIMday Machine Learning in Life Science and Medicine is arranged by Department of Information Technology and Uppsala University Innovation.
with financial support from