About the questions

At AIMday Big Data, you and your organisation have the unique opportunity to discuss your specific issues with scientists in areas related to Big Data.The questions can be made very wide or very narrow. We do not put any restrictions on the question formulation and the only one who decides about the character of the question is you and your company or organisation.

Please contact us if you want more guidance!

To give you some inspiration about possible question formats, we list three different questions that were submitted to AIMday Transport 2013. As you can see, the question formats are quite different; select the format that suits you the best.

Sust AB

“How can energy consumption be monitored in electric vehicles, focusing both on the individual and on the societal level?”

Today there is a shift to electrical cars in the society. We have very advanced measurement on the amount of petrol you buy. The meters are “krönta” and are controlled several times a year. When charging at home, at office etc you seldom today are connected to a charging infrastructure that will tell you the amount of energy you put in your car. The car doesn’t have it either. There is a need for easy to use connected smart meters where and how should they be constructed in wallsocket, on the cable, or in the car? use GSM, the car wifi or interaction with the actual car? The same applies to all electrical vehicles bikes, motorcycles, tweezy etc.

Toyota Sweden AB

“What are the prerequisites for national produced hydrogen for fuel cell cars and what are the environmental benefits of the transition to this type of cars compared to gasoline or diesel in Sweden?”


“How do we create an objective allocation of train paths to generate maximum socio-economic value?” 

“How does the Swedish Transport Administration handle a situation in which two companies in the same priority category applies for the same attractive train path? With what principles, methodologies and tool does the Swedish Transport Administration handle the situation? The prerequisites and conditions that apply to the allocation of capacity and future traffic must be stated in the rail road network statement from the infrastructure manager (infrastrukturförvaltarens järnvägsnätsbeskrivning), published in December each year.”

A reference was included in the question: Slutlig rapport GD-uppdrag 58_kapacitetstilldelning samhällsekonomisk effektivitet.docx