List of questions
- 1042
When using icloud based Apps for storing, transmitting and sending patient information and diagnostic results to the patient records how can the issues of connectivity and security of data be overcome? What options are possible for transmitting this type of information to the electronic patient records?
Company is developing point of care diagnostics and is looking at connectivity and data transfer.
- 1082
When using icloud based Apps for storing, transmitting and sending patient information and diagnostic results to the patient records how can the issues of connectivity and security of data be overcome? What options are possible for transmitting this type of information to the electronic patient records?
- 1084
How can we balance the opportunity for big data collection in clinical trials with the need to maintain patient engagement and motivation?
- 1068
Is regulation holding back innovation? - Where does the balance lie between encouraging innovation and protecting patients' safety? E.g. how regulated should digital health technologies be?
- 1069
How aware are manufacturers and developers of regulation that might affect digital health products? At what stage in product development do manufacturers consider regulatory aspects and product classification?
- 1070
Does the length of time it takes to comply with regulations in order to commercialise a product put developers and potential investors off investing in these types of technologies?
- 1071
Do digital health technologies risk creating a D.I.Y. health culture?
- 1072
How is it expected that patients will interact with digital health technologies?
- 1073
Do you think digital health technologies will make self-diagnosis more reliable than the current online resources available or is there a risk that patients will become over reliant on digital health technologies increasing the likelihood of incorrect self-diagnosis?
- 1074
How will healthcare professionals ensure the effective and correct use of digital health technologies? E.g. inaccurate data entry by patients
- 1075
How robust can digital technologies be? E.g. can digital technologies be solely relied upon to provide diagnosis or effective monitoring
- 1076
Who should be responsible for health apps, e.g. doctor, app developer, device manufacturer etc.
- 1077
How will digital health technologies ensure satisfactory safety monitoring and adverse event reporting?
- 1079
What is the single biggest hurdle faced by academics to bring Digital Health products to market? What's the single most hurdle for Oxford to become a destination of Digital Health startups as compared to University of California-San Francisco which is a key part of the Digital Health ecosystem in US? How can people like me (Digital Health consultant) help academics?
- 1080
Digital Health requires collaboration between researchers and software developers amongst others. How is Oxford planning to cover the skill gap and bringing software developers for example to build Digital Health products?
- 1081
With patient compliance of hospital apps shown to be less than 2% by a recent Accenture study, how can Oxford teams looking to collaborate to bring lessons learned from other industries to improve compliance.
- 1064
How can machine learning impact diagnostic applications and what could be the major factors for introducing bias and/or artefacts?
- 1065
What is the potential for digital pathology to change medical practice
- 1066
Robotic Surgery; are we there yet? If not how close?
- 1067
Digital health, is there any boundary, e.g., what sh/could be digitalized and what sh/could never be digitalized, and why
- 1083
Oxford Computer Consultants supply products and services in Social Care, Health, Engineering and Research. Our social care products gather large datasets of people’s choices for their social care service needs. Could there be an opportunity for this Big Data to be applied in Digital Health? Could the data set be subtly extended to add further value? What obstacles would user confidentiality present and how might these be mitigated
- 1086
We aim to measure the benefit of providing a patient with access to high quality films of ‘clinicians' delivering evidence based self management advice. The patient will be given an app which replicates a multidisciplinary clinic. It will be offered early in the patient pathway and is aims to challenge current the current patient journey. (We aim to test the model with mild to moderate OA knee). Which measurement tool (or PROM) would provide us with the best data to measure user experience and improvement in self efficacy?
- 1087
How do we ensure patient confidentiality whilst collecting data via outcome measures within the App.
- 1078
How would you resolve the conflict between regulatory approval requirements and the market pressure to produce low-cost unapproved medical apps?