Example questions

Some examples of possible questions are listed below. Sensor Signal Processing & Imaging is however a diverse topic and so we would encourage companies to submit all of their questions, even if they are quite different from the sample questions below.  It is likely that there will be academic expertise capable of responding to them.

  • Are there techniques to identify and separate individual chemical components from a Raman/Infrared spectrum?
  • Is it possible to use radar to distinguish between objects based on their internal motion?
  • Many state of the art signal processing algorithms are computationally intensive and are difficult to implement in real time. What are the best ways to map specific signal processing algorithms onto a limited computational resource?
  • How do you make automated anomaly detection scalable for large video or image libraries?
  • How to reliably count the number of co-channel signals in the presence of spatially correlated noise?
  • How to match the signal processing power consumption requirements of various sensors with our energy harvesting product?
  • Can signal processing help in the detection of anomalies in communication networks?
  • Can multiple ultrasound signals be separated from each other?
  • In complex environments with multiple reflections, how do you determine the true from the false peaks in the return LiDAR signal?
  • Given the limited coverage of LiDAR signals, how do you best sample in space and optical wavelength to recover structural and physiological environment parameters?