Creating your question(s)

Company questions posed to AIMday Bio-Solutions will be communicated via this website to academics and researchers throughout the University of Edinburgh, allowing them to select the questions they feel they can add most value to according to their individual expertise.

When phrasing your question(s), please ensure that they are concrete and clear (with no abbreviations) and that they can be discussed openly. This style of questions work best for the AIMday format.

It helps to add context and background to your question(s), so that it is clear what exactly your challenge is and how our academics could potentially help find the solution.

We also recommend that at least two company representatives are available to join the discussion of each your questions in order to have a better balance in the session. The company representatives should be well versed in the topic of the question(s) submitted and be prepared to provide further context and background.

We welcome up to three questions from each participating company or organisation.

Some examples of possible questions are listed below. You are welcome to contact us if you need help phrasing an appropriate question.

  • How could biological processes increase the sustainability of my business?
  • How could the use of synthetic biology and machine learning speed up the discovery process for new enzymes?
  • How can biological organisms inspire new materials (such as changing colour, texture and temperature)?
  • How could biotechnology be applied to develop a new sustainable synthetic route to produce xxx?