*EVENT POSTPONED* – due to the unfolding situation with the current outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) we have taken the difficult decision to postpone this event. More information about a new date will be provided soon.
The University of Oxford is hosting an AIMday in Neurotechnology on Thursday 26th March 2020. The AIMday will bring together academic and clinical excellence from across the University of Oxford together with industry to help answer the most pressing challenges in this area, as identified by industry. This event is open to all companies working in this area, both large and small. The AIMday series of events provide a low barrier route, particularly for SMEs, to engage with a wide range of academics at the University. This AIMday event is only open to academics and clinicians affiliated with the University of Oxford/Oxford University Hospitals.
An Academic Industry Meeting Day (AIMday) is an innovative networking event that allows external organisations to set the agenda and gain academic perspective into industry challenges. The idea is simple: each AIMday has a specific theme and is centred around small group discussions based on a question posed by the external participant. This gives industry partners and researchers the assurance that the topics addressed will be of genuine interest, while also providing the opportunity to gain fresh insights, meet potential collaborators, and grow a network.
How it works:
Step 1: Organisations submit a question (or questions) around a particular challenge related to the theme of the day.
Step 2: Oxford’s researchers sign up to discuss one or more of the questions.
Step 3: On the day, each question forms the basis for face-to-face, 1-hour meetings.
For more information about AIMdays, please see ‘How AIMdays work‘. If you can’t find an answer to your query here, please contact amira.burshan@medsci.ox.ac.uk
What’s in it for me?
For companies:
- Meet potential collaborators/future employees
- Access a self-selecting group of highly qualified researchers
- Gain fresh insights into your challenges
- Widen your network
- Information on relevant funding schemes
- Follow-up support for any clear collaborative opportunities
For academics:
- Meet potential industrial collaborators/future employers
- Discover how your knowledge can be used to solve industry challenges
- Network with industry and make new contacts
- Information on relevant funding schemes
- Follow-up support for any clear collaborative opportunities