AIMday Construct Innovate Dublin, 24 October 2023

University of Galway will host its second AIMday Construct Innovate on Tuesday, 24 October 2023 at Trinity College Dublin.
What Is AIMday
AIMday® (Academic Industry Meeting Day) is a successful methodology created by Uppsala University in Sweden, where challenges submitted by industry are discussed with a multidisciplinary group of academic researchers in a workshop setting.
The Construct Innovate AIMday will use these workshop sessions to establish working groups with its Associate Members and define research questions that can be further scoped out to develop projects to solve industry challenges.
N.B. To achieve the best outcome from workshop sessions, organisations must tailor their challenge to a specific research question rather than submitting broad general statements and/or industry trends.
Registration for Organisations
Click the ‘Registration for Organisations’ link to submit one to two (maximum) questions that your organisation would like to discuss in a closed workshop setting. Registrations open on 27 September and close on 6 October.
Registration for Scientists
Academic researchers can click the ‘Registration for Scientists’ link to participate in one to three (maximum) workshops where your area of expertise aligns with an organisation’s challenge question. Registrations open on 6 October and close on 18 October.
About Construct Innovate
Construct Innovate (https://constructinnovate.ie/) is Ireland’s national Research Centre for Construction Technology and Innovation. The Centre’s vision is to make Ireland a global research and innovation leader for sustainable construction and built environment technology.
Construct Innovate will focus on addressing the challenges of Ireland’s housing crisis, followed by addressing other strategic outcomes identified by the Irish Government and construction sector stakeholders.
Construct Innovate is coordinated by University of Galway and supported by Enterprise Ireland, the Centre includes partner institutions; Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, University College Cork and the Irish Green Building Council.
The Centre brings together the whole value chain to accelerate people-centric innovation in construction and the built environment that drives the transition towards a sustainable society and economy, relying on the active engagement of its members and a European network of innovation.
Construct Innovate Expertise
With an extremely strong track record in research and innovation, a team of funded investigators with expertise in the main areas of digital adoption, modern methods of construction and sustainability will work together under five pillars of:
• Productivity, affordability and cost
• Quality and safety
• Sustainability
• Skills and training
• Collaboration
AIMday Programme Details
Click ‘Programme’ link for full event details.
For more information contact
AIMdays are supported by the Innovation Office at University of Galway.