An event like AIMday helps you focus on what can be achieved by working together and really makes things happen.

Seize the opportunity
What’s in it for academics
AIMday provides an opportunity to see where your research can be applied in a real-world context.

Open new possibilities for your research
AIMday helps you understand the real needs of external organisations and how these relate to your own research. What is more, it provides you a golden opportunity to obtain inspiration, knowledge and contacts which benefit your own research and teaching. As an academic you self-select challenges when registering for an AIMday event and hence you share knowledge and ideas with organisations, and even other researchers, within your specific area of interest.

Broaden your network
Deepen and broaden your contacts with organisations and also with other researchers in your field of interest. AIMday strengthens networks between academia and industry, as well as within academia, where challenges can be discussed from different perspectives.

Initiate partnerships
Collaboration enables the academic knowledge base to make an impact and be of use in society, while also providing new inspiration for education and research. AIMday provides a unique opportunity to identify areas of common interest with organisations and other researchers for current and future objectives. The format provides a favorable starting point to discuss and initiate concrete partnerships in various forms with organisations and fellow researchers across departmental and disciplinary borders.
It’s all about exploring solutions
The idea behind AIMday is to bring different perspectives to challenges faced by organisations outside of academia. Although the starting points for discussions are concrete questions, it’s not about providing the full solution. Rather the focus is to explore possible ways to approach the challenges put forward by the external organisations. Moreover, group discussions are multi-disciplinary bringing together a mix of academic expertise. To put it briefly – you don’t need to know everything. AIMday is an opportunity for you to apply your specific expertise and contribute your piece of the puzzle.