Participation in AIMday is free of charge for everyone, both academic researchers and representatives from organisations, as we want to lower thresholds for meetings and knowledge exchange and make it easy for any organisation to get access to academic knowledge.
Event budget
Expected expenses
To help you plan an event budget, here is an outline of the expenses you will incur when hosting an AIMday event.

Production expenses
Staffing and resources
As an organiser of an AIMday event, you will need to allocate energetic people with a broad range of managerial and social skills, as well as the necessary time, to the task. A designated AIMday Coordinator is essential. When organising an AIMday for the first time, the entire six-step ‘planning to follow-up’ process spans about six to eight months. The working hours required in every step of the process depends on a lot of things, such as the scope of your event and the nature of the networks you have both within the research community and outside of academia. However, through the training provided, you will be able to get a good idea of staffing, what needs to be done, when it needs to be done and the time required. The training and support also cover the tailored, and timesaving, AIMday administrative tools that all university AIMday hosts have access to free of charge.

On-site event expenses
Venue costs & food and catering
The venue space is key when it comes to AIMday. Since workshops are held in separate rooms you need a number of meeting rooms depending on the number of workshops. So be sure to book a venue that has flexibility in capacity. The venue space should also have a networking area with a combination of seating areas and standing tables to make it easier for participant to move freely and interact with others. Furthermore, you will need a space for a registration desk easily accessible. Most AIMday events take place on university campuses. It can be a way to keep costs down while providing external organisations a glimpse of your university. In addition, hosting your AIMday event on campus makes it easily accessible for your academics.
Catering is an example of a variable expense that changes based on your attendance numbers. Have coffee/tea available from the time that registration opens and throughout the day. Lunch should preferably be networking-friendly in the sense that it should not require sitting at a table to eat.

Administrative expenses
Training and support
For Uppsala University, AIMday is not only a means of stimulating value-creating collaboration between our research and society, but also a way to create added value for research faculties at other leading universities. We are happy to share our innovation know-how, but need to request full cost coverage for training, support and access to the web service that we provide. The mandatory AIMday training that is provided usually takes up to one day of your time and it takes place at an early stage to put you and your team in the best position possible going forward. The training can take place online, at your university or at your dedicated AIMday hub. You will be responsible for any travel/accommodation costs incurred for your university. We charge a fixed fee to use the AIMday concept, which includes training, support and our digital web service. Please contact us for more information.
Free of charge for participants