AIMday Digital Frontiers 2025

Welcome to AIMday Digital Frontiers
The University of Edinburgh will host AIMday Digital Frontiers as a hybrid event on 26 February 2025 at the Bayes Centre, the University’s Innovation Hub for Data Science and AI.
What is AIMday?
AIMday® (Academic Industry Meeting day) is based on workshops where challenges submitted by participating companies around a central theme are discussed with academics from relevant university disciplines.
Read more about the AIMday Concept.
AIMday Digital Frontiers
Society is currently undergoing an unprecedented transformation due to the continuing development of data and digital technologies. Technologies that are on the horizon today will profoundly impact businesses and society tomorrow. Continued innovation is essential to drive productivity and competitiveness.
The purpose of this AIMday is to invite leading edge data and digital challenges from industry and the public sector to explore current and future solutions made possible by novel discoveries and advancements in technology. Expertise at the University of Edinburgh is comprehensive, spanning from AI to robotics, from supercomputing to electronics.
Our Expertise
The University of Edinburgh was the first place to conduct AI research in Europe in the early 1960s, and today hosts one of the largest computing departments in Europe, where over 500 researchers deliver world-leading research. We are ranked #1 in the world for Natural Language Processing and top ranked in the UK in terms of AI research. Data and AI play an equally important role in our School of Mathematics, Business School and School of Engineering, with particular strengths in statistics, optimisation, electronics, signal processing, renewables, and energy research.
The University also hosts the UK’s leading supercomputing centre. Our expertise further covers areas of electronics and communications as well as applications of data science across all sectors of society. The breadth of relevant research across is vast including:
- data science
- supercomputing
- electronics
- digital communications
- AI, speech technology, and NLP
- robotics
- space and satellites
- quantum computing
- blockchain
- cybersecurity
- Internet of Things
Read more about key areas of expertise here.
You can also watch video highlights from our Digital Frontiers Showcase with experts sharing their expertise in AI, data science, quantum computing, robotics and more.
How to participate
To participate in AIMday, you need to submit at least one challenge phrased as a question, which you wish to discuss in a small workshop setting.
Join us at AIMday Digital Frontiers to access expertise across the University’s. Participating companies meet teams of researchers to explore and address the specific challenges each company faces. Each question submitted by a company is tackled by a multi-disciplinary group of academics with the aim of finding pathways to solutions. We are happy to help you come up with or phrase appropriate question(s), so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at EPSRCIAA@ei.ed.ac.uk.
One question, one hour, a group of academic experts: that is the AIMday format!
After the event, our academics can apply for funding from an exclusive funding call, to work with an AIMday participant on their challenge.
Register your attendance at AIMday Digital Frontiers by submitting your question(s) on the registration page for organisations by Friday 13 December 2024.
Read more about participating in AIMday as an academic in the Introduction for researchers and academics.
Please note that workshops are in general open for other participating organisations to observe where relevant, but closed workshops can be requested if required.
Your question(s) and (organistion) name will be published on this website.
We are happy to help you come up with or phrase appropriate question(s), so please do get in touch with organisers at EPSRCIAA@ei.ed.ac.uk