Introduction for researchers and academics
The University of Edinburgh will host AIMday Digital Frontiers on Wednesday 26 February 2025.
AIMday is based on workshops where thematic challenges submitted by participating businesses and organisations are discussed with academics from relevant university disciplines.
The event will focus on challenges around data and digital technologies submitted in advance by participating companies and organisations.
One question, one hour, a group of academic experts: that is the AIMday format!
AIMday is an opportunity to:
- Understand the real needs of organisations and how these relate to your own research
- Discuss collaborations in various forms – e.g. joint programmes, commissioned research and PhD projects
- Meet researchers across disciplines and discuss issues of common interest
- Gain inspiration, knowledge and contacts that could benefit your research and teaching
- Make contacts within industry that can lead to collaborations
- Identify areas of common interest with organisations and other researchers
When registration opens for academics and researchers you can visit the List of Questions page to view the questions posed and then register for the ones of interest to you.
Once the programme is set, participating organisations will expect to get to meet registered researchers and academics.
Each question will result in a one-hour workshop, so please bear this in mind when registering and let us know of any time constraints you may have on 26 February 2025. We will do our best to accommodate these, but cannot guarantee the schedule up front.
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the team at