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Explore the features

Working with AIMday, you do not have to create your own tools to make it work. On the contrary, Uppsala University provides tailored tools and support that will smooth workflows.

It is all in the manual…

Uppsala University provides training and support for AIMday. To enable other universities to organise and run an event as smoothly as possible, we have put together a manual that describes in detail all you need to know and do. Based on many years of practical experience, it covers the concept, its objectives and components as well as the tools and support that enable its successful implementation. In addition, the AIMday brand visual identity is packaged in user-friendly graphic guidelines.

Uppsala University establishes a dedicated user website in the form of www.aimday.se/‘theme name’. This also permits access to tailored AIMday administrative tools (including registration, programmes, optimisation software and more), which ensures that all preparations run smoothly.


Must-have features

The AIMday Manual

How to organise an AIMday – it’s all in the manual. Based on many years of practical experience, Uppsala University has put together a manual that describes in detail all you need to know and do. From practical activities such as venue, registration and mingle areas to how to manage every step of the process, everything you need to know is there. You will get access to the AIMday manual as soon as a collaboration agreement is in place. The AIMday manual is also easily accessible through the AIMday web page.

The Brand

A key factor for success is the AIMday brand. Pioneered by Uppsala University in 2008, AIMday has gained a strong reputation among Swedish and international universities as a strategic collaboration platform. Core values are simplicity, closeness, and openness. Meetings are held in campus settings and are informal and candid. This mix creates a productive atmosphere that yields documented good results. AIMday is a registered trademark owned by Uppsala University. A graphic profile ensures that the visual communication supports the brand in a consistent and efficient manner. The visual identity for AIMday is packaged in a graphical user guide, which should be applied to all AIMday communications, and is included in the AIMday manual.


www.aimday.se is the digital hub for all AIMday events wherever they take place around the world. The site is hosted by Uppsala University. Each AIMday event has its own dedicated web page at aimday.se. Uppsala University provides users with a blank website that each user fills with content. To get started with your web page you need a name for your AIMday, and this always corresponds to the theme – www.aimday.se/‘theme name’. This also permits access to tailored digital AIMday administrative tools which ensures that all preparations run smoothly.

Digital tools on aimday.se

Dedicated digital administrative tools have been developed to support the entire AIMday process. These tools significantly facilitate the execution of AIMday.

Online registration tools

aimday.se provides online event registration for both external organisations and academics. However, it is a powerful feature-rich digital platform that can not only take registrations but also help you manage the rest of the event as well.

Conference system

This is where you determine all your settings, such as date of the event, when registration is to open and close, and additional event details. This is also where you can keep track of all participants who have signed up for your event. All information from registrations from both organisations and academics are assembled in the conference system. The system has the ability to export data into Excel. In that way you can easily download lists including:

  • all organisations who have registered
  • representatives from each organisation
  • questions submitted by organisations
  • researchers who has signed up for questions

AIMday Optimisation tool

The AIMday optimisation tool is a truly powerful feature that will save you a lot of time. Use the optimisation tool to generate suggestions to an optimal schedule for your event, based on the submitted questions and the researchers’ priorities and availability. You can run a number of iterations and you have several options to make hands on adjustments to your schedule to perfect it.

Downloads and print outs

This too will save you a lot of time! When you are happy with your schedule, you can easily download and print all forms of programmes in PDF format. You can add the names of the different workshop rooms, time for each workshop session and more. All in all, you can retrieve programmes featuring:

  • Rooms
  • Organisations
  • Organisation representatives
  • Researchers
  • Questions


To get you and your team off to a good start, you will receive the equivalent of one day of training early on. The training is provided by people with extensive and practical AIMday experience. The training covers the concept, its objectives and components as well as the tools that enable its successful implementation. In addition, it includes good examples and practical tips and tricks.

The training occurs online, and/or face-to-face either at your site or at your dedicated AIMday hub. You are responsible for any travel/accommodation costs incurred for your organisation.


Once the training is done, further support is provided when you need it, usually via e-mail or telephone. We can advice on all sorts of issues concerning AIMday, big and small, so do not hesitate to get in touch whenever you need guidance going forward.