The questions that companies and organizations ask must be about solving a challenge. Below we show some examples of how the questions can be asked. Several of the questions have been asked at previous AIMday events and led to interesting discussions!
At the bottom of the page there is a link to AIMday’s main page with lots of sample questions from several different subject areas.
Environmental sustainability: reduced carbon dioxide emissions, renewable energy, battery storage, transport.
- How can we measure that we are becoming more sustainable?
- We need to reduce society’s energy use in order to reach a number of goals in Agenda 2030. How do we do that?
- Are our recycled plastic airbags worse than paper as filling material, from an environmental perspective?
- How can public transport (buses and trains) create opportunities for travelers to be able to take bicycles with them when travelling?
- Our construction company has come into contact with an inventor who has a patented idea in construction. If we are going to use the technology, it means big changes and costs in our production, however, it would mean big benefits for the customers and us in the long term. How can we ensure that the technology is correct and that it complies with all building standards?
Social sustainability: social justice, equality in workplaces, education and labor market development. ä
- How do you create an inclusive, equal and sustainable hockey association?
- Men’s self-help groups have proven to be an effective way to get men to explore the sometimes harmful norms of masculinity. What strategies can you suggest to help men dare to ask for support, strategies that break with the strong masculinity norm “good man takes care of himself”?
- How should one lead a development project that creates participation with all personnel?
Economic sustainability: economic systems that promote long-term growth and stability, innovation and entrepreneurship.
- What does the future business life look like and what will be absolutely decisive for a successful transition to a long-term sustainable society?
- Our tourism facility has the same offer as many others. How will we find inspiration and ability to create new attractions that attract more tourists to come to our destination and geographic location. How can we collaborate with others?
- Our product consists of several different materials and they wear differently. We would like customers to be able to replace the used material with a new one so they don’t have to buy the whole product again. How should we think to make it easy to take apart and reuse the worn material? Is it possible to create a profitable business model?
- We get a lot of waste and rubbish in our production. What can we do to reduce it or find someone who benefits from it?
- Our company would like to be completely independent of electricity, i.e. off-grid. What do we need to do to be able to become that?
Technological sustainability: the use of digitization and artificial intelligence to solve sustainability challenges, as well as the development of environmentally friendly technologies.
- Our production is very vulnerable and costly in the event of a production stoppage. We must work more and better with predictive maintenance to ensure damage, both personal and environmental, and to minimize financial losses. How can we start and proceed from there?
- How can we as a cultural heritage destination work with today’s technology to make the destination interesting and alive for both children and adults?
- How should we as a small company take on AI and use it in our continued development? What is happening in our industry in AI?
Health and well-being: workplace health and the promotion of healthy lifestyles.
- How can we become a more equal workplace. Today the distribution is 80/20. How do we change deeply rooted cultures to attract all skills. Are there successful examples?
- What affects one’s concentration at the workplace and how can one create environments that take these factors into account in a cluttered environment with high availability requirements?
- Region Dalarna wants to work to retain our newly qualified nurses and assistant nurses, through, among other things, additional support in introduction and further skill development throughout their careers.
- How are we going to make this project sustainable over time, not to run into the sand but to be charged so much that the development almost happens by itself and gets even more connections? Our employees do not want to come back to the office after the pandemic.
- What does the research say about sitting at home vs the office. Will our company develop less/slower/not at all/better if the employees do not meet and socialize other than digitally.
Below you will find more sample questions from previous AIMdays: