How to register

To register for an AIMday® event as a company or other organization you need to submit at least one question. The question can be made very wide or very narrow. We do not put any restrictions on the question formulation and the only one who decides about the character of the question is you and your company or organization (examples of questions).

When registration for companies and organization is closed all submitted questions are listed on this website.

As an academic researcher you will then be able to register and indicate, in order of priority, which questions you would like to take part in discussing.

The organizers will then do the logistics for a schedule based on the interest and availability of researchers.

Your personal schedule will be sent to you a couple of weeks prior to the event.

Participation in AIMday® is free of charge. Registration is binding.


Step-by-step guide

Step 1: Register company

  • Enter contact information about your company or organization.

Step 2: Register representative(s)

  • Indicate how many representatives you wish register. We know from experience that it is good to be at least two company representatives for each question. That way you will get the most out of the discussions.
  • Enter information about the representatives.
  • When you are ready click “Save representatives and continue”.

Step 3: Register question(s)

  • State your question/questions. You can state up to four questions. Enter any background information relevant to the question.
  • Mark which representative(s) that is associated with each question.
  • You can choose to upload a document with background information to the question.
  • When you are ready click “Save questions and continue”.

Step 4: Additional information

  • During the day we will serve lunch and coffee.
  • Please specify here if you have any food allergies etc.
  • When you are ready click “Register”.