List of questions

Fortum Markets AB
  • 439

    When and at what volumes will electric cars be produced at the same cost as conventional cars?

    The price of the Electric Car is one of the barriers of market entry, and it would be interesting to see what volumes and when the cars will be fully competitive.

  • 440

    What prognoses of Electric cars are valid for 2020-2025-2030 in the Nordic countries and what are the success factors for the market?

    When investing in infrastructure one of the most critical factors is doing prognoses on the EV-market. Many different views are presented generally.

  • 470

    How can catenary position be monitored?

    Personally I stopped taking the train from Lund to Kastrup, since trains are far too frequent delayed. Often I hear the excuse that the catenary was down close to Ängelholm.

    We are working on a force measurement device for pantographs, which can be mounted on every train - that can indicate catenary issues, before failure.

Ostkusthamnar i samverkan
  • 526

    Hur kan Östersjö- och Mälaröhamnarna och sjöfarten avlasta landinsfrastrukturen i framtiden?

    se dels bifogat dokument samt

Rud Pedersen
  • 490

    Open Access on the tracks, e.g. Stockholm – Göteborg. How should the owner of the infrastructure (The Swedish Transport Administration) ensure that the train operators who receive paths (slot times) are able to keep their schedules?

Saab Aeronautics
  • 489

    How fast must Loop2 be to ensure stability and controllability of a future aero-vehicle?

    see attached information

Scania CV AB
  • 282

    Can ethics improve the image of road transport?

    Road transport suffers from a poor reputation in society today. Could this be improved by pronouncing ethics in the product development process?

  • 283

    How does one manage design and branding when expanding from products to adding more and more services?

    We have a long history developing premium products to a selective market. Product design & branding have long been integrated in our development process but services are growing to an increasingly important part of our business and the question is how these can be managed to form a unified customer experience?

  • 303

    How will vehicles relate to the predicted urban conditions of the next decades?

    What kind of strategies are promoted today towards the integration of transportation and technology in general to emergent socio-cultural phenomena. For example, increased use of electric vehicle creates a more silent pedestrian environment which also might create a need for electric and hybrid vehicles to include pedestrian alert sounds as an opportunity to redefine the un-explored sonic condition of our cities. Sonic Movement is a collaborative project that address this particular question.

Skanska AB
  • 487

    How will/can different, e.g. Design and Build, delivery mechanism influence future R&D and sustainability?

  • 488

    What future alternatives can be feasible to replace lime stabilisation of e.g. clay to achieve a more robust and predictable solution?

SkyCab AB
  • 486

    Hur kan vi minimera vagnarnas och systemets energianvändning och CO2-utsläpp (mätt förslagsvis per passagerare vid olika resebeläggning i systemet) på sätt så att energi- och miljönyttoaspekten av mobiliteten klargörs (även för passagerarna)?

    International and national attention of SkyCab:
    - SkyCab is the “Top 10” on a 3D-designpage on internet,
    -Selected by OECD as one of five "prominent practises” regarding eco-innovations in Sweden.
    -Selected by WWF/GlobalFOCUS as one of 12 of the foremost climate entrepreneurs in Sweden.
    -Nominated to the final in the World Summit Clean Tech in Barcelona.
    -Listed on One Big Thing by US ambassador Michael Wood as one of the 28 ”hottest” Swedish Cleantech-companies.
    -Participating in the Swedish Governments initiative for sustainable city development, SymbioCity.
    -Highlighted by Confederation of Swedish Enterprise as one of 20 products and services that generates environmental benefits.
    -Listed by Swedish Energy Agency as a company with export potential in the JI/Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) markets.
    -Highlighted by Stockholm Business Region, Cleantech Scandinavia and the City of Stockholm as one of 33 promising companies in the Stockholm area.
    -Listed by SVID, Swedish Industrial Design Foundation, as a Good Example for industrial design inspiration.
    -Supported by Motions in the Parliament (several political parties), Banverket (Swedish Rail), Power Circle, the Swedish Institute, and Trade Unions.

Sust AB
  • 402

    How can energy consumption be monitored in electric vehicles, focusing both on the individual and on the societal level?

    Today there is a shift to electrical cars in the society. We have very advanced measurement on the amount of petrol you buy. The meters are "krönta" and are controlled several times a year.

    When charging at home, at office etc you seldom today are connected to a charging infrastructure that will tell you the amount of energy you put in your car. The car doesn't have it either.

    There is a need for easy to use connected smart meters where and how should they be constructed in wallsocket, on the cable, or in the car? use GSM, the car wifi or interaction with the actual car?

    The same applies to all electrical vehicles bikes, motorcycles, tweezy etc.

Sweco AB
  • 491

    ”The internet of things” and smart grids – how will the transportation sector and travelling be affected by things and people being more and more “online”? Will we have our own cars? Will we need garages? How will goods be transported to our homes? What IT-infrastructures will the transportation sector need? What opportunities for the transportation sector are created by emerging IT systems?

  • 492

    Who will pay? The transportation sector is becoming more and more diversified. This diversification requires more infrastructures, more types of fuels need to be made available, possibly even a new type of roads. Who should pay for the development of technologies and investments in infrastructures when the future is so unsure. How markets be stimulated to lead development, rather than await future standards?

  • 474

    What is the over all cost for a new public transport solution and how is this used in the evaluation of alternatives?

    We use LCC principles in procurement of rail vehicles but total cost considerations (including maintenence and operation) is not regularely used in the evaluation of different transport alternatives as a whole.

Toyota Sweden AB
  • 484

    What are the prerequisites for national produced hydrogen for fuel cell cars and what are the environmental benefits of the transition to this type of cars compared to gasoline or diesel in Sweden?

Trafikkontoret, Stockholms stad
  • 498

    Bicycle parking, how to fit them in already fully furnished streets?
    How can we get cyclists to use more remotely parking facilities?

    no background info

Trafikkontoret, Stockholms stad
  • 451

    How can funding for expansion and operation of public transport be secured – how can private finance best be used?

    Ingen bakgrundsinformation

  • 452

    The number of heavy goods vehicles to/from/through Stockholm has been relatively consistent over time, but the numbers of deliveries by smaller vans/lorries are increasing. How can these kinds of trips be made more efficient? What can be done by Stockholm City Council to improve the situation?

    Ingen bakgrundsinformation

  • 453

    The growth in internet shopping has led to an increasing number of deliveries to people’s homes and pick up points – as well as an increase in the number of returned goods. How can these kinds of trips be made more efficient? What can be done by Stockholm City Council to improve the situation?

    Ingen bakgrundsinformation

  • 454

    An annual report of traffic accident trends in Stockholm shows that a third of all road accident victims are pedestrians involved in single accidents (i.e. accidents where the victim slip or fall without anyone else is being involved). Are these figures specific for Stockholm or do other cities with similar climate show the same result? What can Stockholm do to prevent single accidents that are unrelated to snow or ice?

    Ingen bakgrundsinformation

  • 459

    How do we create an objective allocation of train paths to generate maximum socio-economic value?

    How does the Swedish Transport Administration handle a situation in which two companies in the same priority category applies for the same attractive train path?
    With what principles, methodologies and tool does the Swedish Transport Administration handle the situation? The prerequisites and conditions that apply to the allocation of capacity and future traffic must be stated in the rail road network statement from the infrastructure manager (infrastrukturförvaltarens järnvägsnätsbeskrivning), published in December each year.

Vattenbussen AB
  • 466

    What would be a preferable business model for sustainable waterborne public transport?

    Cities are becoming more and more congested and society strive for a city development with less cars and more public transport in order to increase flow and accessibility. However, the space of the streets is limited, which sometimes cause problems to add capacity and develop additional public transport e.g. bus lanes devoted to Bus Rapid Transit systems (BRT) or similar solutions. The Swedish Transport administration has among others identified that the waterways might be a potential for developing complementary modes of mass transit in urban areas. Traditionally, waterborne mass transit has, however, not been included in the long term city development strategies. Any new system has to fulfil the demands of the commuters and therefore set requirements in terms of an intermodal solution and smooth travelling as in one system. Relevant fact is that the mass transit budget of the society is already rather stressed and that the private sector probably needs to contribute.

Vectura Consultancy
  • 483

    An important issue for cost benefit analysis is the volume and the trip distribution of the so-called light commercial traffic carried out by automobiles and light trucks in connection with work.

    Other light vehicle traffic information is obtained with the help of travel surveys and modeling based on these, and they include private travel separated into work, other and business travel. Also trips by taxi fall into this category although taxi transport of course is commercial traffic.

    Thus the question is whether there is any method that could identify this traffic using observations and register-based statistics etc. within reasonable cost limits and subject to the rules of confidentiality and without violating privacy?

Volvo Cars Corporation
  • 445

    Infra structure for electric cars, standards, interface, payments etc?

    Many different scenarios are possible for future, what is going on and what are likely scenarios?

  • 446

    Material development, price development, mass production possibilities future scenarios

    Many different new materials are being developed. Who are likely to be succesful for automotive production regarding price and mass production? Weight is a key factor to be interesting.

  • 447

    Battery development future

    Electrification for automotive is starting to get momentum. Battery capacity vs price and weight is key question. What are the future scenarios? What is going on in this field?

  • 448

    Autonomous driving

    Autonomous driving is under development.
    How will people change their habit if this becomes a reality? I.e. what will they do while the car is driving? Will people start to travel at night and sleep during the trip?