AIMday HealthTech
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Welcome to AIMday HealthTech
The University of Edinburgh will host AIMday HealthTech as a hybrid event on 29 February 2024 at the COSLA Conference Centre in collaboration with Heriot-Watt University, CPI, and the Medical Device Manufacturing Centre.
What is AIMday?
AIMday® (Academic Industry Meeting day) is based on workshops where challenges submitted by participating companies around a central theme are discussed with experts from different areas of expertise.
After the event, participating academics can apply for funding from an exclusive funding call, to work with an AIMday participant on their challenge.
Read more about the AIMday Concept.
AIMday HealthTech
Some of the greatest challenges in society today are found within the realm of health and healthcare. An aging population, chronic disease, new and complex health threats, and the cost of healthcare highlight the importance of new and improved solutions.
Engineering, technology, and data can contribute to tackling parts of these grand challenges, providing alternatives and new approaches to improving care and outcomes on individual and system levels. Collaboration between sectors and professions is key to harnessing the potential of the ongoing digital transformation and rapid advancement of health and medical technologies.
AIMday HealthTech welcomes challenges in health, healthcare and medical technologies from businesses and organisations covering all aspects of medical devices, diagnostics, and digital and data driven health.
Our Expertise
University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University together boast comprehensive expertise within engineering and data science as well as in medicine and health. Joined by CPI and the Medical Device Manufacturing Centre we further represent expertise in design and manufacturing to take new ideas and discoveries into products and solutions that are approved and ready for application. The expertise spans most if not all of the following relevant topics in HealthTech:
- Medical Devices
- Diagnostics
- Digital Health and Data
- Design and Manufacture
Read more about key areas of expertise here.
Explore HealthTech webinars – you have an opportunity to learn more about the research, expertise, and capabilities in health tech.
How to participate
To participate in AIMday, you need to submit at least one challenge phrased as a question, which you wish to discuss in a small workshop setting.
Join us at AIMday HealthTech to access expertise at the University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, CPI and the Medical Device Manufacturing Centre. Participating companies meet teams of researchers to explore and address the specific challenges each company faces. Each question submitted by a company is tackled by a multi-disciplinary group of researchers, academics and CPI technologists with the aim of finding pathways to solutions. If you are wondering how to phrase a good question, you may find this short video useful. We are happy to help you come up with or phrase appropriate question(s), so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at EPSRCIAA@ei.ed.ac.uk.
One question, one hour, a group of academic experts: that is the AIMday format!
After the event, our academics can apply for funding from an exclusive funding call, to work with an AIMday participant on their challenge.
Register your attendance at AIMday HealthTech by submitting your question(s) on the registration page for organisations by Friday 19 January 2024.
Read more about participating in AIMday as an academic in the Introduction for researchers and academics.
Please note that workshops are in general open for other participating organisations to observe where relevant, but closed workshops can be requested if required.
Your question(s) and (organistion) name will be published on this website.
We are happy to help you come up with or phrase appropriate question(s), so please do get in touch with organisers at EPSRCIAA@ei.ed.ac.uk