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For universities

How to organise an AIMday

The AIMday concept provides a complete package and brand for how successful academic-industry meetings are arranged.


A ready-made solution to collaboration

Does your university want to grow its collaboration with business and the wider community? With AIMday you have an effective tool for forging new contacts, enhancing knowledge exchange, and rewarding collaboration that benefits both research and education. Support has been developed over the past ten years to enable universities to organise and run AIMday events, including a manual, proprietary tools and training. This information ensures that an AIMday will be conducted reliably and efficiently regardless of where it is arranged in the world. Alltogether, the AIMday brand, owned by Uppsala University, provides guarantees for quality

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Different roles

Choosing a theme for your AIMday

As a tool for collaboration, AIMday is not limited to any specific academic area. The concept has been tested and evaluated in various disciplines within several scientific fields and found to work well regardless of the field. Nevertheless, the starting point is that the theme of each AIMday is firmly anchored in the university’s internal strengths and needs. This means that AIMday is arranged within the university’s focus areas, either because these areas are particular strengths or because they are of strategic importance to the university. Moreover, the choice of theme should reflect an identified need and researchers in the field should have a real interest in external contacts and collaborations. Having said that, the theme selection provides the university the opportunity to specifically approach an industry or sector with which it would be desirable to build fruitful relationships.

The Features

Explore the tools

AIMday comes with a toolbox packed with user-friendly and tailored solutions that enables universities to organise and run an event in a smoothly fashion. In addition to manuals, training and hands-on support, it consists of web & registration tools, and optimisation software.

Check out all features

The Process

A structured method

AIMday offers a structured approach to knowledge exchange that has proven its worth for more than ten years. The concept comprises of an easy-to-follow six step ‘planning to follow-up’ process.

Learn about the AIMday process

Expected expenses

What about the costs?

The expenses that you will incur include on-site event expenses, such as venue costs and food and catering, and production expenses, i.e. the cost of organising the event, attracting attendees, and managing the administrative elements. The toolbox provided by Uppsala University allows production expenses to be kept at a low level. The only fee that Uppsala University requests of a university AIMday host is the full reimbursement of the cost of the training and support that we provide.

Learn more about the expected expenses

How to initiate AIMday at your university?

AIMday is available to academic institutions worldwide. By establishing a collaboration agreement between your university and Uppsala University, you will get hold of all support needed to get started.

Get started