How to participate and why – academics and researchers
One question, one hour, a group of academic experts: that is the AIMday format!
Academics and Researchers: Open new possibilities for your research
AIMday helps you understand the real needs of companies and external organisations and how these relate to your own research. What is more, it provides you a golden opportunity to obtain inspiration, knowledge and contacts which benefit your own research and teaching. Participation in AIMday is about opening up to new knowledge, perspectives, ideas and contacts for all participating parties. Discussions are open and frank.
As an academic you self-select challenges and prioritise when registering for an AIMday event – hence you share knowledge and ideas with organisations, and even other researchers, within your specific area of interest.
The idea is to bring different perspectives to each question. As group discussions are multidisciplinary and aimed at exploring possible solutions, you do not need to know everything about the question being discussed. Nor is it expected that you provide detailed answers during the discussion.
Benefits of participating for academics and researchers:
AIMday helps you understand the real needs of companies and external organisations and how these relate to your own research. Get involved to:
- Discover how your knowledge can identify possible solutions to, or even solve, current problems.
- Discuss collaborations in various forms – e.g. collaborative R&D, contract research, commercial consultancy, PhD projects and applied student projects.
- Meet academics and researchers across disciplines.
- Gain inspiration, knowledge and contacts that could benefit your research and teaching.
Read more about participating in AIMday in what’s in it for academics
Important dates:
- Questions submission & company registration: 4th March – 19th April 2024 (company registration)
- Academic and researcher sign-up: 30th April – 21st May 2024 (academic registration)
- Meeting Day: 27th June 2024
Please note that registration closed on 21st May.
Once the programme is set, participating organisations will expect to meet registered researchers and academics.
Each question will result in a one-hour workshop, so please bear this in mind when registering and let us know of any time constraints you may have on 27th June 2024.
We will do our best to accommodate these but cannot guarantee the schedule up front.