Binghams Food
  • 6763

    What is the best way to seal a plastic pot with a foil lid?

    We produce approx. 15,000 100 gram pots of potted beef or beef spread Mon – Fri. The plastic pots are heat sealed with a foil lid. Once the steam oven is full they are pasteurized, following the pasteurization process we are finding a number of blown cartons.

  • 6766

    How safe is the product once it has been pasteurized if the pot has blown.

    The meat is cooked overnight in a steam oven, it is then processed and packed in plastic pots with a foil lid. It is then pasteurized in a steam oven before being blast chilled to approx. 4 degrees before being placed in a chiller. Any blown cartons are disposed of has waste.

New Food Innovation ltd
  • 6676

    How can we best develop sustainable low costs commonly consumed food products which are high in fibre and which are acceptable to consumers

    we see the challenges :-
    Sourcing Sustainable Ingredients: Finding sustainable sources of high-fiber ingredients can be challenging. Many high-fiber foods such as whole grains, legumes, and fruits require significant agricultural resources, which may not always be environmentally sustainable. Ensuring that these ingredients are sourced responsibly while keeping costs low presents a substantial hurdle.
    Balancing Cost and Nutritional Value: Achieving a balance between low-cost production and maintaining high nutritional value is essential. While fiber-rich foods are generally beneficial for health, ensuring that the final product remains affordable while meeting consumer expectations for taste and texture can be difficult.
    Addressing Consumer Preferences: Consumers often have specific taste preferences and expectations regarding food texture, flavor, and appearance. Developing high-fiber foods that meet these preferences without compromising on sustainability or cost can be challenging. Consumer acceptance is crucial for the success of any food product, and meeting these expectations while incorporating sustainable practices adds another layer of complexity.
    Overcoming Processing Challenges: Processing high-fiber ingredients into palatable food products can be technically challenging. Fibrous ingredients can alter the texture and mouthfeel of foods, requiring innovative processing techniques to maintain consumer acceptability. Moreover, processing methods should minimize energy consumption and waste generation to align with sustainability goals.
    Educating Consumers and Promoting Adoption: Even if sustainable, low-cost, high-fiber food products are developed, consumer awareness and acceptance are crucial for their success. Educating consumers about the health benefits of fiber, as well as the environmental impact of food choices, can influence purchasing decisions. Marketing strategies that emphasize both the sustainability and affordability of these products may be necessary to encourage widespread adoption. These 2 papers are useful references : Title: “Sustainable Diets: The Interaction between Food Industry, Nutrition, Health and the Environment”
    Authors: Barbara Burlingame and Sandro Dernini
    Journal: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
    Year: 2012
    Summary: This paper explores the complex relationship between sustainable diets, nutrition, health, and environmental sustainability. It discusses strategies for developing sustainable food products, including those high in fiber, while considering economic feasibility and consumer acceptability. The paper provides insights into the challenges and opportunities for integrating sustainability into food production and consumption patterns.
    Link: Sustainable Diets: The Interaction between Food Industry, Nutrition, Health and the Environment
    Title: “Consumer Acceptability and Perception of Food Products Developed with High Fiber Ingredients”
    Authors: R. Paul Singh, Roshan Paul, and Brianne Altmann
    Journal: Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety
    Year: 2017
    Summary: This paper focuses specifically on consumer acceptability and perception of food products developed with high-fiber ingredients. It examines various factors influencing consumer preferences, including taste, texture, appearance, and packaging. The paper also discusses strategies for developing high-fiber food products that align with consumer expectations while considering sustainability and cost-effectiveness.
    Link: Consumer Acceptability and Perception of Food Products Developed with High Fiber Ingredients