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The University of Edinburgh will host AIMday Sustainability on Thursday 2 December 2021.
We have had several questions about virtual workshops at AIMday Sustainability. We wish to accommodate our participants’ needs and hence want to gauge the interest for an online event.
We would be grateful for your feedback and comments on what would be your preferred option between an online or in-person workshop around AIMday question. Please let us know about your preference by emailing us at EPSRCIAA@ei.ed.ac.uk.
If you have not yet registered for the event, please indicate if you prefer a virtual workshop by prefacing your interest with the word “ONLINE:”.
What is AIMday?
AIMday® (Academic Industry Meeting day) is a successful, proven format based on workshops where challenges submitted by participating companies around a central theme are discussed with academics from relevant university disciplines.
Read more about the AIMday Concept.
AIMday Sustainability
Our planet’s life support systems are under strain. A growing population demands more energy, food and living space than ever before. Climate change has exacerbated this threat. New technologies can offer solutions to sustainability problems or replace unsustainable alternatives.
The vision for this AIMday is to allow participating companies and organisations to gain new perspectives, rethink and outline approaches for their business and processes to increase resource and energy efficiency; substitute for biobased, biodegradable, and renewable resources; and prevent and reduce carbon emissions, waste and negative environmental impacts.
Our Expertise
Join us at AIMday Sustainability to access expertise across the University’s full range of specialisms including Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology, Agritechnology, Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry, Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy to name a few.
Read more about our expertise.
How to participate
To participate in AIMday as a company, you need to submit at least one challenge phrased as a question, which you wish to discuss in a small workshop setting.
Each question submitted by a company is tackled by a group of multi-disciplinary academics with the aim of finding pathways to solutions.
One question, one hour, a group of academic experts: that is the AIMday format!
Read more about participating in AIMday as an academic in Introduction for academics.
Please note that workshops are, in general, open for other companies to observe where relevant, but closed workshops can be requested if required.
Your question(s) and (company) name will be published on this website.
We are happy to help you come up with or phrase appropriate question(s), so please do get in touch with us at Edinburgh.Innovations@ed.ac.uk.